Saturday, December 28, 2019

How to Write Recipes

How to Write RecipesHow to Write RecipesLearning how to write cookbook recipes (or recipes for a food blog, or any other media) means being disciplined enough to test the recipes and record the process with precision and consistency, according to the conventions of professional cookbook writers. The proof of writing cookbook recipes well is in the success of the readers experience with the finished dish. Here are the steps to take to help ensure your written recipes will work for the reader. Draft the Recipe Do your research into the recipe as you envision it. Even if youre not sure that your first crack at the recipe will work, get your best thoughts in a draft down on paper. This will give you a starting point. The recipe draft should include List of ingredients along with measurements and any pre-cooking preparation, such as types of slices. For example, 2 cups baking variety apples - peeled and cut into approximately 1/2-inch cubes or 1, 28ozcan chopped tomatoes. If an ingr edient is self-contained, make sure you note the size (1, 28oz can of whole tomatoes or 1, 16oz. box of powdered sugar). List the ingredients in the order in which theyre used in the recipe.The method of preparation - the step-by-step process of going from ingredients to the finished dish, including oven temperature, types, and sizes of any equipment used (ex. 8 cake pan, 3 qt saucepan), etc. Again, the steps should be in order. Offer options and let the reader know what is optional ...For ingredients that are uncommon, seasonal, or expensive (for example, boneless chicken may be substituted for the wild shrimp or you may substitute 1/2 tsp dried basil for the fresh). Also, if there is alcohol, such as cooking sherry, in the recipe, offer a non-alcoholic liquid substitution. If an ingredient is a nice addition but not essential to the dish (for example, a parsley garnish), be sure to note that it is optional. Test the Recipe, Making Notes in the Process While youre doing recipe testing, the recipe document itself will be the repository for any relevant information or insights gained during the testing process. This could be information on adjustments you might want to make when testing the next version, visual cues that might be helpful to the cook, etc. These notes dont all have to be aboutrecipe-writing business. Observations or inspired musings during cooking (The smell of baking this bread reminds me of the holidays. These brownies are so easy, why bother with a mix?) are valuable when you write your headnotes, as well. Edit the Recipe Getting the details of the recipe correct is the easiest right after youve finished testing it. Even the best cooks and bakers can forget a critical detail or have problems interpreting their notes a week after they were written - especially if there have been many recipes tested in the interim. If the test was not entirely successfulMost recipes need more than one test. In that is the case, take specific notes on what and what did not work - Done too soon? Decrease oven temperature next time. Not chocolatey enough. Then adjust your draft accordingly and re-test.If the finished dish was perfect what made it perfect? Again, notes are important. You might want to jot a bit about appearance, texture or anything else that might be useful for your information, to add to the recipe notes, or to the headnotes. Professional cookbook writers test, taste and test again to get the recipe right (and - as one would imagine - organizations like the International Association of Culinary Professionals and the James Beard Foundation consider working recipes extremely important when judging for their cookbook awards). Format the Recipe Different publishers and other media have different conventions for formatting recipe (what measurement abbreviations to use, whether to number the steps, etc.) If you have been provided with a recipe format, make sure to adhere to it. If you are creating your format, her e are some things to keep in mind Be consistent.Use the same terminology for the same ingredients. Otherwise, you run the risk of confusion (for example, dont use anken and unsalted butter if you mean the same thing.) Whatever formatting choices you make, use them consistently throughout your cookbook or blog. For example, if you use abbreviations (like Tbsp. for tablespoon), always use the same abbreviations.Write the ingredients and recipe steps in a logical order.That is the order in which the ingredients will be used, and the recipe steps will be performed. Double-check that all the ingredients are used in the recipe method steps.

Monday, December 23, 2019

10 male executives share how their fathers inspired them

10 male executives share how their fathers inspired them10 male executives share how their fathers inspired themBehind every successful person - no matter male or female - there is often a cheering squad and support team that has been there through every ebb and each flow. For some lucky children, their greatest fan has been there since day one as good ole dad. For these entrepreneurs and executives, their father welchesnt only there to teach em the ropes of life, but to guide their professional goals and aspirations.With candid advice and carefully-worded, yet meaningful wisdom, here, 10 male leaders share how their pops inspired their careers. If yur old man welches a shining example of strength, humor, and encouragement, pass along this article to him on Fathers Day and thank him for the role hes played in developing your growth, tooFollow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreMy dad in spired my career most by what he didnt do.Kash Shaikh, the founder and CEO of an international geschftlicher umgang intelligence firm, Besomebody, Inc. His father, Zee, worked as a mechanical engineer for 45 years after he immigrated from South Asia. My dad worked hard for more than four decades. For 40 years, he woke up at 5 a.m. every day and headed into the office. He helped build solutions for some of the biggest energy companies in the world. But my dad inspired my career most by what he didnt do. While dad was good at his job, honestly, he didnt love it. We spent a lot of time talking about what he would do if he could do it all over again. We talked a lot about what he wished he would have done. We spoke about ideas he had that, for some reason or abedrngnisher, never got off the ground. He had dreams of being a pilot but his father told him it wasnt a stable enough career. He wished he could create for the movies and comics he watched as a kid. He enjoyed reading and writing . He didnt get to spend much of his life doing those things. And that always weighed on him. So he always told me to do what I love. To follow my passion. To go for it. We didnt talk about stable careers or safe choices. We talked about spending my life pursuing things that made me come alive. And so I did.He taught me how to be resourceful, respectful and diligent.Kyle LaFond, founder of American Provenance. His grandfather, Delmar Zentner, was a family farmer.My grandfather was my hero. He never had the opportunity to attend college but was easily the wisest man Ive ever known. Most folks dont often think of small-scale family farmers as businessmen, but everything that Ive ever really needed to know about running a business was learned on 120 acres of paradise in the rolling hills of southern Wisconsin. He was very well-read and was a true lifetime learner. He was inquisitive and had a natural curiosity about the world that stayed with him his entire life. Im pretty sure that he never created or reviewed any kind of financial statement, but found a way to raise a family on 40 cows. Thats an amazing accomplishment on its own. Importantly, he taught me how to be resourceful, respectful, and diligent. He taught me how to appreciate everything and everyone around me. Thats something I always think about when I remember who he was on Fathers Day and just about every other day.He taught me how to be a leader.Glen Levine, senior partner at the Law Offices of Anidjar Levine. His father, Lawrence, graduated from Fordham Law School but then ran a construction business that spanned four generations. Recently though, he joined sons firm as a litigator.More important than the professional inspiration I get from my father is my inspiration on how to handle myself in my business relationships. From a small boy, I learned that everyone - from a day laborer to the building inspector to a tradesman deserves the same level of respect. My father always took the time to learn everyones name and their story. He never took for granted that the people he worked with had a family and had interests beyond getting the job done. My father always worked hard, but he inspired people to work just as hard by the way he treated others. I draw on his inspiration every day when I interact with other attorneys, judges, court reporters, and especially my clients. When a client comes to my firm, we dont just look at them as another case. We feel that they are part of our extended family and treat them with the same respect that I learned all of these years from watching my father.He taught me to stick to my guns.Ethan Hirshberg, founder of Ethans. His father, Gary is the founder and CEO of Stonyfield Farm.My dad was all about the mission. He built his company with a great product, yes, but more importantly, he had a contagious passion for the difference those products could make in the world. Thus, he inspired me not only to believe that I could start a successful compa ny but to never lose sight of the real goal. In business, there are a million places to compromise You set out with the wind in your sails and then slowly get beaten and battered by the storm. The easiest path is to make concessions and compromise your values, whether to cut costs or gain some other competitive advantage. But my dad taught me that sticking to your guns is what matters in the end.He taught me the value of a family-run business.Adam Biderman, chef and owner of The Company Burger. His father, Joe, is the president of a family-run, 101-year-old jewelry story, Hiller Jewelers.Watching him work retail and manage our family store taught me the value of family-run businesses. His attention to detail, dedication and plan execution inspired me to one day have a place of my own. His example led me to open The Company Burger. People wanted to work for him and follow him. Being able to guide a business successfully the way in which he does motivates me every day to be a better o wner. Also, his innate ability to be able to dive into the business analytically is his greatest asset and I get to learn and grow with his help.He taught me how to give 110 percent.Douglas Eisner, the co-founder and managing director of The Calida Group. His father, Stephen, is a construction executive in NYC.My father always gave 110 percent at both home and work. As far back as I can remember, he would get to the office by 6 a.m., be home for family dinner at 7 p.m., and then work after dinner until 11 p.m. And with whatever free time he did have, he gave 110 percent to that too. Whether it was nights out on the town with my mother, sports with his buddies, or digging up adventures with us kids on the weekends, everything was 110 percent. To this day, I still try to give that same level of commitment to everything I do as well.He taught me how to work hard.Nate Checketts, the CEO and co-founder of Rhone. His father, Dave, is the founder and chairman of SCP Worldwide. Growing up, my brother and I used to rake leaves, haul trash and mow lawns on the weekends to earn our money, and my dad was always encouraging us to start our own business. At the time, I didnt realize that was entrepreneurship. I just knew that I liked building things that allowed me to be self-sufficient. Ive always looked up to my dads entrepreneurial spirit and am forever grateful for the morals he instilled in us at a young age, which led me to launching my company.He taught me to go above and beyond.Lars Helgeson, CEO of The Green Rope. His dad, also named Lars, is a high school science teacher.My dad would take me to his science class and let me sit in and listen. I got to be comfortable taking care of all the animals in his lab. Snakes, lizards, rats, birds, and even ant lions all were part of the experience. His students took part in caring and feeding them, and they found a connection stronger than anything a textbook could teach. It made me see the difference it makes to students w hen you go the extra mile to give them a rich experience. Whether youre a student or a customer, people notice when you make the effort to make their time and money worth the investment.He encouraged me to be better than successful - but remarkable.Adam Lowry, co-founder of Ripple Foods. His dad, Thomas was a sales representative in the automotive industry who started his own firm in the early 1980s.When I was about to start my first business, Method, after told my Dad that I was going to start a business, he just kept saying Oh, son, Im so proud of you youre going to be so successful. I said, Dad, I havent even told you my idea yet That was the type of guy he was. Amazingly supportive and encouraging. It didnt matter to him what I was going to do, as long as I was going to throw my whole self into it. Another one of his sayings was do something remarkable. He often reminded me of that that in business, if you want to be successful, you need to do something that people notice and a ppreciate, something that is remarkable in the eyes of your customer. Thats what really developed my sense of design, and my focus on product. Unfortunately, my Dad is no longer with us, but not a day passes that I dont think of his many pieces of advice in business and in life.He told me to keep the door open.Rordan Shane, the CEO and president of Shane Co. His father, Tom, is the executive chairman of the same company. Dad never pushed me into this business, but always kept the door open. he love of this business for him was always about the people, and being there for our customers during some of the most important times of their lives. I learned from him early on in life that our business is global, and based on some universal truths across the world - honesty, transparency, integrity, and trust, to name a few. Our business is light on lawyers, light on contracts, and heavy on reputation. A handshake seals a deal, and your word is your bond. A broken deal or trust will sever yo ur family from the industry for life. I was and continue to be exposed to these morals every day both personally and professionally by my father. This is what truly inspired me to join this industry, and continue the family business as generation number four.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from jngste im bunde Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

European Recruitment Spotlight. (What Theyre Doing and how it Translates.)

European Recruitment Spotlight. (What Theyre Doing and how it Translates.)European Recruitment Spotlight. (What Theyre Doing and how it Translates.)European Recruitment Spotlight. (What Theyre Doing and how it Translates.) DumontOver the last few decades, we have seen a dramatic shift in the number of US companies taking on the recruitment of local talent for their overseas operation.And as more companies go global, so do the recruitment challenges associated with finding talented, loyal employees to fill those positions across the globe.What has become apparent is that in buchen to be successful, companies must start thinking about their global recruitment practices in a different way.Simply taking what has worked at home and replicating that abroad will fruchtwein probably elend yield the desired results.But having an understanding of the local markets and unique characteristics of individual countries can be an important step in being able to successfully tailor your recruiting st rategy.In this article, we will shine a spotlight on the following European countries United Kingdom, France and Germany.United Kingdom The UK, a leading trading power and financial center, is one offour Western European trillion-dollar economies.According to Central Intelligence Agency2009 data(CIA)the UKhas a total working population of 31.2 million people. Overall, this country does have numerous similarities with the US.Many of the best practices that apply to the US will also apply to the UK.Candidates will expect large and well-known companies to have a significant presence online and the same media products that work well in the US will also be successful in this country.If possible, it is best to stick to the facts and not paint a picture that is too good to be true since job seekers generally dont react favorably to these types of postings.Clearly show your organizations market position and strengths, elaborate on the extra benefits if they exist and be forthcoming about wh y a job seeker should apply to YOUR company.The typical commute is 30 to 40 minutes so job seekers will generally only have interest in commuting farther for higher level and/or higher paying positions.Its therefore very important to post these higher paying positions in neighboring locations. That being said, London is an anomaly to this salary/commute correlation.London has a very good economy and senior positions attract more job seekers who are willing to commute.France France is considered one of the most modern countries in the world today and a leader among European nations.According to the CIA, it has a total working population of 27.9 million people. One of the unique things about this country is that the French Employment Law is very complex and in most cases, requires that all postings be in French.As a recruiter, it is your responsibility to become familiar with these laws to ensure that you are compliant.A best practice would be to have the same posting in both language s, with French at the top and a note indicating that the posting is also in English at the bottom. Even if you want an English-speaking candidate, posting in French will yield a higher response from seekers who also speak English. France has what is called avantages en nature, which loosely translates to social packages.This includes things like commuting expenses, childrens tuition expenses, bonus money for vacations, etc.These are extremely important to job seekers and should be highlighted when possible.Germany Germany is one of Europes largest economies and is the second most populous nation, behind Russia.According to the CIA, it has a total working population of 43.6 million people. Germany shares a border with Austria and Switzerland, so it has a large influx of cross-border commuters.Because of this, it is extremely important to post jobs in neighboring regions.Generally, salary is considered to be a more private discussion so it is perfectly acceptable to omit this informat ion from the posting.To attract target candidates, posting in the local language should always be the preference.In Germany, it is also KEY to have a company profile and to clearly illustrate why your company is attractive to seekers.When it comes to job title or profession, the German language generally still differentiates between male and female.This is accomplished by adding either m/w or m/f at the end of the title in a job posting, which stands for mannlich/weblich (male/female in German) and male/female respectively.Whereby in English for example, doctor can be either male or female, the masculine title is different than the feminine title in German. By adding one of the acronyms above, no repetition of the title is necessary.A final tidbit of informationeven in the Internet age, it is standard for prospective employers in Germany to still send application packets to candidates by mail.Candidates are expected to complete the appropriate forms and mail them back to the employe rs.In Conclusion You should approach the information in this article in the spirit in which it was intended, as an example of some of the differences, both big and small, that should be taken into consideration before embarking on a global recruiting strategy.It is only by having an understanding of the local markets and unique characteristics of individual countries that recruiters can truly connect with those seekers that they wish to engage.And in an environment that is becoming increasingly complex and competitive every year, understanding that context can make the difference between a successful hire and an unsuccessful one.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Web Site Designer Job Description

Web Site Designer Job DescriptionWeb Site Designer Job DescriptionWeb Site Designer Job DescriptionThis web site designer sample job description can assist in your creating a job application that will attract job candidates who are qualified for the job. Feel free to revise this job description to meet your specific job duties and job requirements.Web Site Designer Job ResponsibilitiesDevelops Web sites by planning and executing design maintaining and upgrading service.Web Site Designer Job DutiesPlans site design by clarifying goals designing functionality.Develops site navigation by categorizing content funneling traffic through content.Develops site content and graphics by coordinating with copywriters and graphic artists designing images, icons, banners, audio enhancements, etc.Prepares site by installing and configuring server software installing programming language using authoring and formatting tools ensuring cross-platform compatibility establishing links.Establishes locatab ility by registering with search engines.Upgrades site by updating content and graphics monitoring performance and results identifying and evaluating improvement options introducing new technology maintaining links.Protects site by designing and installing security precautions.Maintains site appearance by developing and enforcing content and display standards editing submissions.Updates job knowledge by participating in educational opportunities reading professional publications maintaining personal networks participating in professional organizations.Provides information by collecting, analyzing, and summarizing data and trends.Keeps equipment operating by following operating instructions troubleshooting breakdowns maintaining supplies performing preventive maintenance calling for repairs.Accomplishes information systems and organization mission by completing related results as needed.Web Site Designer Skills and QualificationsWeb Graphic Design, Web Savvy, Planning, Web bentzer In terface Design, Web Programming Skills, Teamwork, Illustration Tools, Multimedia Content Development, Understanding Browser Capabilities, Internet Presence, Verbal CommunicationEmployers Post a job in minutes to reach candidates everywhere. Job Seekers Search Web Site Designer Jobs and apply on now. Learn more abouthow to hireVideo New Employee OrientationMake the most of Hiring ToolsPower Interviewing

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Solutions for Auto Formats

Solutions for Auto Formats TemplateToaster web design software includes a reach of advanced themes and plugins which youll be able to use with ease and flexibility. In comparison to you, experienced consultants will appear to be a much better choice. Especially in the event the code style changes with time, running one command is simpler than changing the linting rule and go through yur whole code base. There are a few limited modifications that you may do in the formatting design when employing the AutoFormat options. Theres a big effort underway to retrofit a more modern layout strategy to our present code. Additionally, now you can unit test only the parsing logic without needing to concern yourself with mocking the file system. The prefab system was rewritten. As an example, folders named Homework and HOMEWORK are two distinct folders. Has limited shortcut keys, and the majority of the tasks have to be carried out manually. Macros are especially helpful to repeat a tas k the exact same way over and over again. Spreadsheets can actually apply a good deal of number formatting automatically based on the manner in which you enter data. Spreadsheets dont understand information the same manner an individual would. Microsoft Excel is preprogrammed to allow it to be simpler to enter dates. Microsoft yep may be one of the most used word processing applications on earth. It has been around for years. Top Auto Formats Secrets If you utilize the completely free tool, you will find that a few features do not get the job done in addition to they do in the paid version. Deciding upon the proper video file format is dependent entirely on what you intend on using the video for. Unfortunately, you cant consolidate many libraries into a single Photos library youve got to spielblttchen which one that you need to use. Styles are a really good approach to handle the way your whole documents headers, titles, and text efficiently. The Advantages of Auto For mats You are able to define your own also. In recording technology, the amount of samples received per second is known as the sampling rate. Among the huge amount of features, Word contains the capability to automatically format and correct many details of the text we write on a document. With the multilingual support, the program is employed in many nations and people from several regions and languages. The Truth About Auto Formats Its also valuable to bring a file immediately to ignore compiled Python files and directories. You may choose to take a duplicate of your file first, simply to be safe. If you havent made any modifications to the formatting settings in Outlook, then HTML is most likely the default option. The WAV format is easily edited using software. The work description might also earn a difference. If you would like to contribute check out issues, or only straightforwardly create PR. Media titles now are beautifully formatted into a far better aesthetic human-readable form. There are a lot of sections of video marketing, occasionally it gets quite confusing for people. The Bad Secret of Auto Formats With Words Auto-Formatting feature, called AutoCorrect, you may set your auto formats so you dont need to do everything. Never record in MP3, unless youve got no other choice. By default, Word hides menu items which you dont utilize often. Pick the items that you need Word to format automatically. The Upside to Auto Formats Therefore, you will want to download the essential codec. After the macro recording was enabled, choose the cell to which the customized number format has to be applied. You dont need to be concerned about printer driver settings. Although there are tons of settings available to format media exactly as you are interested in getting the plugin does a good job of automated processing from the box. Picking out the None value could be safe based on you media. The default setting of all of the properties is t rue. If you dont will need to use a particular number format, the spreadsheet will normally apply the overall number format by default. The Appeal of Auto Formats Since you may see, Word has numerous options to automatically do things for you. If somebody else receives the logic that results in the ugly, Id like to hear an explanation Word is among the most economical and closest things you are able to get to your own printing press. It offers an intuitive interface, as well as a richer, robust, and user-friendly feature that makes life and work easier.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

What You Dont Know About Federal Resume Writers

What You Dont Know About Federal Resume Writers Also, a resume writer knows the form of information to include in a resume in addition to the personal details that ought to be omitted. If you intend to use education rather than experience to be able to be eligible for a job, you will need to include comprehensive coursework info. Make sure you make the info youre looking for. You should not include private information on your resume. Successful candidates are well qualified, but theyre also prepared. The absolute fruchtwein prosperous resumes concentrate on specific position-related abilities, relevant regions of expertise, quantifiable accomplishments, and professional certifications. Generally, applicants can use one of 3 formats. Therefore at times, in order to get the vacancy questions, an applicant may have to begin the application just to locate the KSA or other questions. You also have to identify whether youve ever worked for the federal government and whether yo u meet the requirements for veterans preference. A powerful resume written by federal resume specialists provides you a huge advantage over your competition. To begin with, most government agencies, provide superior health insurance policy program, including HMO and PPO choices, together with substantial employer contribution to premiums. The function of the federal resume in the private sector is to find an interview, after which an employer will request more info. Federal Resume Writers - What Is It? Federal jobs often need you to have experience in a special type of work for some period of time. The important thing to remember while developing your resume is that you would like it to be simple to comprehend. Be cautious with resume design, even when you apply to get a creative job position. If you would like to make an application for a federal position within the government, you will probably apply through What is Really Going on with Federal Resume Writer s Applicants have to submit hard copy resumes of as many as five pages in length to an individual, office or address supplied in the work listing. Click the next link for more info about what to have in your federal resume. Government resumes are likely read by means of a computer at first, therefore its important to be sure you begin with a very clear summary statement with specific keywords and phrases. A federal resume is an important component in the federal recruiting practice. The New Fuss About Federal Resume Writers Unlike resumes in different industries, federal resumes are almost always chronological. To begin with, you must demonstrate which you are minimally qualified for the designated job. Frequently, federal jobs will also need you to complete a special application for this job, including the SF-171 or the OF-612. To find out what they are available, visit the USAJOBS website. Obviously, our writers sleep. When writing your resume youll want to center on t he skills that you will probably use. Federal Resume Writers is among the top resume writing services that provides affordable resume writing services depending on the top quality services which they provide to all their customers. Our in depth writer training plan ensures the federal resume writer assigned to you is intimately acquainted with the military to federal career transition procedure, and that your resume for military service highlights your specific abilities and accomplishments which are highly coveted in the modern competitive federal job industry. The Downside Risk of Federal Resume Writers A federal resume is also is the most essential component in ranking all applicants to get the ideal match for a specific job within the USA federal government. While developing a federal resume, its also important to go line-by-line by means of a work announcement and tackle every qualification listed. Instead, tailor your federal resume to fulfill the demands of the particul ar opening. Developing a federal resume is the initial step in securing top federal work in the U.S. government.

Friday, November 29, 2019

5 Ways to Have a Positive Attitude During a Job Search

5 Ways to Have a Positive Attitude During a Job Search5 Ways to Have a Positive Attitude During a Job SearchHere are five ways to keep a positive attitude during a job searchDont feel sorry for yourself.Its easy to get down on yourself when youre looking for a job. You perpetually feel that you are not good enough, especially when the job offers arent exactly flooding in. Just know that the right job offer (the one that is meant for you) is coming your way and that you have to be positive in the job search process. If you feel sorry for yourself, your negativity might prevent you from doing everything you can to find a job.Embrace change. Youve been job hunting for months, and you havent had one single offer. It might be time to take a look at what youre doing- or more importantly, what youre not doing. Do you have an updated resume and cover letter? Are you customizing each and every job application for each new punkt that you apply for? Take a look at what youve been doing and see where you can make some modifications to your process as a job seeker. It might mean the difference between being offered a job- or not.Dont focus on the negative. Youve received a few rejection letters from various hiring managers. But before you get too down on yourself, you need to find a way to boost your self-confidence. Realize that there are probably dozens of other qualified candidates who are not getting hired for the position either. Be sure to recognize your strong suits, such as your solid workplace skills, your ability to work as a team (or independently in a remote job), and your impressive work experience.Dont worry about pleasing others. When youre sitting down with a potential boss, you will probably go the extra mile to get him to like you. Maybe you will compliment his suit, his office- even the framed picture of his family thats on his desk. The most important thing you need to do when youre job hunting, though, is to be yourself. If you are overly complimentary, it can come across as being fake. So be positive, say good things when possible, but be true to yourself and your feelings as well.Dont give up. If it feels like youre making no progress, or you keep hearing no, it can easily discourage you from continuing in your job search. But make it a point to keep on going, even when you dont feel like it. Or, take a short break and continue once you feel your attitude is in a better place.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Customize this Outstanding Dental Assistant Resume 2

Customize this Outstanding Dental Assistant Resume 2Customize this Outstanding Dental Assistant Resume 2Sample Dental Assistant ResumeCreate Resume ObjectiveSeeking for the challenging position such as Medical Assistant or related position where I can apply my administrative as well as clinical experience.Summary Of QualificationsMore than five years of experience as a Medical Receptionist and Dental Assistant in direct patient relations and patient care.Extensive knowledge of clinical procedures and medical terminology.Graduated from National Education Center as a Medical assistant.Certifications in First Aid Electrocardiography Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.In addition have experience as Secretary/ Receptionist with an executive management/search consulting firm, reality firms, and financial management company.Computer Programming SkillsOperating Systems Windows9X, Windows2000, Windows ME, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Linux, Unix, MS DOSHTML Editing Tools Macromedia Dreamweaver, Mic rosoft FrontPage, Adobe GoLiveGraphics Tools Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Fireworks, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe PageMaker, Adobe Illustrator, 3D Max, Bryce 3DOffice Package Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Outlook ExpressProgramming Language Pascal, Turbo Pascal, C, C++, Java, Java Swing, PythonHealth Care ExperienceDr. Richards Anderson, M.D., Los Angeles, California 1993-PresentResponsible for scheduling patients appointments.Prepare patients for record temperature and blood pressure, surgical procedures, administer sedatives and insert intravenous units.Perform accounts receivable/ payable.Give post-operative care establish patient comfort record vital signs every ten minutes until consciousness tell required information to patients regarding new medications/possible side-effects.Drs. John and Williams Belmont, California 1992-1993Started as Dental Trainee, advanced to Dental Assistant.Processed X-rays, sterilized instruments, maintai ned patient relations and scheduled appointments.Externship 1990Internal Medicine Associates, Los Angeles, CaliforniaTook vital signs, performed EKGs, urinalysis and blood chemistries.Maintained patient charts.Multi-desciplined practice that contain rheumatology, gastroenterology, cardiology and endocrinlogy.EducationState University of California, Belmont, CaliforniaA. S. BiologyComputersLotus 1-2-3, Microsoft WordCustomize Resume

Thursday, November 21, 2019

These are the countries where robots have the most jobs

These are the countries where robots have the most jobsThese are the countries where robots have the most jobsWe know the robots are coming for our jobs, but depending on where you live this may happen in a shorter amount of time.According to online statistics, market research and business intelligence portalStatista, there are already a number of countries where the rise of the machines is very much in play. In a new chart using data from theInternational Federation of RoboticsStatista looks at the countries where you will find the highest density of robot workers.South Korea took top prize with 631 robots per 10,000 human workers. According to theIFR, this is due to that countrys installation of a high volume of robots specifically in the electrical/electronics and automotive industries.Singapore wasnt too far behind with 488 installed robots per 10,000 people and Germany came in strong for third with 309 robots for every 10,000 people. The U.S. took the seventh spot just ahead of Italy with 189 robots. Take a look at the chart below for the rest of the rankings.The most important thing to take away from this data is that there is no slow down in sight when it comes to robots coming for jobs.